For my first food review i will be reveiwing Amasonja also called emperor moth. They are basically a large caterpillar and their species is Gonimbrasia Belina. They are found chomping onto the leaves of Mopane trees that is why they are called mopane worms. They are found on Mopane tress after they hatch after the summer time. Amasonja are great source of nutrition, you can get them yourself from the tree or buy them and their cheap.
When i grew up I spent most of my time with my Late Grandmother uNoBabhalile may her soul rest in peace. Amasonja(mopane worms) was one of the food i looked forward to eat when they prepare it, we even had a song with my cousins which goes like this "Sidli papa el'namasonja, sidli papa el'namasonja " which means we are eating pap and masonja. those were the great moments we spent together as a family in my grandmother's place,

amasonja brought so much fun in our household. we all looked foward to see my dad and uncles coming back from Middleburg from fetching amasonja.
Benefits of Amasonja
high in protein
Easy to take care/grow
Can buy them online
Taste good
Easy to prepare
My grandmother's Easy cook Recipe
Pour a cup of water and boil them
in another pot fry tomato and onion
after 20 minutes boil drain them
mix them with frying tomato and onion, add some spices and salt
stir until they are soft then boom it's ready👍😊
Hope you will try them and enjoy! 👌😋