I was screaming, shouting on top of my voice
But my shouting voice turned no one
I felt abundant, left in the woods with no one to turn to
I was frustrated feeling neglected
The walls were closing in with no escape.
Only to realise my voice was bottled
Bottled inside me, caged inside my frame
It was all inside my head
How did i expect someone to turn
When it did not reach them.
When it could not reach the high mountains,
And make wild animals run.
When it could not blow trees
And make birds flap and cheep.
Practically I was voiceless
My views were not heard
I needed to let my voice free
Free from the fair of judgement
Speak my own truth and be heard.
I found power
Wings to fly to higher mountains
Travel through the air with birds
The ability to tame wild animals
And the strength to blow trees
It all happened, when my bottled voice was unbottled.