Growing up is a process, it is a journey
It is a process of learning, discovering and defining who you are.
There are many mistakes that we make as we are in the process of growing up. Mistakes of allowing other people to define who we are, not discovering new things and not realising our potential. In the process of growing up you need to go through all the stages of growing up, because growing up means going out of your comfort zone, learning new things and finding your purpose because everyone was born with a purpose.
Every stage of growing up teach you new things about the world and yourself. Your views changes as you grow up, the way you use to think when you were 12 and when you are 20 are different because you have seen more things and you have learnt new things. Your opinion on things changes as you grow up because you are being exposed to different things as you grow up.
Growing up means making mistakes and not being perfect, so do not be hard on yourself because you are just in a process of growing up. As we grow up we start to realise that we are different from the other person next us, that is not wrong because everyone is different in their own way. You know that you are growing up when you stop feeling like you constantly need to explain yourself to people, when you stop faking perfection and stop being apologetic for being different.
There are many angry adults not that they are angry at us/the world but they are angry at themselves because they did not explore when the time was allowing them to. We have adults who don't know who they are, they walk around inconveniencing everyone, they breath negativity because they are mad at themselves for not finding their true purpose when growing up.
Growing up is process of learning and defining who you are, do not be afraid to explore and learn new things because that is part of the growing up package.