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Road to Success

Why do we always compare our success with other people's success. Our roads to success ain't the same, we may be in the same road but it can take me a while to reach the destination than the person next to me. We can be in the same road but our plans and momentum ain't the same. No matter how long it takes you to reach your destination never give up. The fact that it takes you long to reach your destination it shows how big your success will be. Success is not determine by duration but by the fact you reached your

destination. It may feel like your are not reaching your destination, it can get hard and you wish you can give up, it can also feel like you are not finding the end of the tunnel but let me assure you AFTER EVERY DARKNESS THERE IS LIGHT. No matter how small your success might seem to other people never let them tell you, your success is not a SUCCESS. A road to success is not like a walk in a part or a stroll down the road. It requires one to be determine and focused because it has ups and down, twist and turns, moments of joy, sadness and disappointments. Road to success has many rejection you got to buckle up the spirit of perseverance and resilient. Your road to success is known by you don't let other people determine it.

Someone smart once said "When You Write the Story of Your Life, Don't Let Anyone Else Hold the Pen"

Be the Author of your success. When it becomes too dark that means the light is coming.

My mom always say "Akunandaba ukuthi uwe kangangani, okubalulekileko kukuthi uyavuka uzidome uqcubeke uye phambili nah". which means it doesn't matter how many times you fall what is important is that do you stand up and continue with the journey.

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