I recently gave this blog a new name, I am starting a journey that is long overdue. You might be asking yourself what I mean by "I am starting a journey" when this blog is almost a year old, on another hand you might be battling with the question why did I name it "Pinch of Passion"? There is a story behind this name, A story that gave birth to passion, a story that made me venture into new beginnings. It might not be fancy or seems enthusiastic to someone else but this is a story of how the dry bones came back to life.
I named this baby of mine Pinch of Passion because somewhere on the way I lost passion, I lost the eager to continue write and I lost my way. There are so many stories that I can tell that lead to the resurrection of Pinch of Passion previously known as "It all start here". Each story has it's own volume but this one that I stumbled upon made a huge difference, it's actually not a story but mini voices that made a difference, these are voices that are clueless legally.
I might be lying if I would say I remember how I stumbled upon Legally Clueless but it came when I needed it, it was like the universe was responding to my cry. For those who don't know about legally Clueless that I have been making noise about for sometime now, Legally clueless is a podcast by my favourite Adelle Onyango from Nairobi Kenya. What captured me about Legally Clueless are the stories, the stories you get to listen every week from different Africans, that makes a change, helps you see life differently and motivates.
From the first episode of Legally clueless I have learnt a lot about life in general. Perseverance is not something that you can easily find in my vocab even if you do it doesn't span for a long time. When I saw my blog not growing and not bearing fruits I ran out of perseverance, I gave up on my blog, I lost passion for both my blog and writing. It was frustrating because I love writing, not seeing the fruits anxiety crept in, I started feeling like I am not good enough, I am a failure and I just need to stop this blogging thing.
Finally I stopped blogging but still I was not at peace, there was a gap and I was not fulfilled, I guess when you love something it just keeps on following you. Then when I stumbled upon Legally clueless I realised that perseverance is very important, that doing what you love or something you are passionate about won't yield fruits not as fast as you think or want, it might take a while you just need to be patient and never loose hope keep going until you reach your goal.
I am at that age where I am discovering myself and finding who I am. I have so many insecurities about my body, I grow up thin and I was not happy with how I looked. I always wanted a thick full body with curves and big well shaped booty but now I have it and still I am not happy with it, I know it sounds twisted. I heard a story on legally clueless about body insecurities, it made me look at myself differently and I am learning to love my body, I am not there yet but I know I will get there soon.
My experience with legally clueless has been amazing ever since that day I clicked the play button, I have learnt a lot my perception has changed on many thing and the way I view life has definitely changed. It helped me into finding my passion again, It gave me strength to run after my dreams and courage to work until I reach my goals. It came when I was not in a fulfilling place, when my bones were dry, when I needed someone to tell me to fight harder.
Now I am left with this long journey before me,trying to find my foot in this shaky ground. I have mixed emotion I am enthusiastic, motivated, scared and frightened to my boots. If I knew where this journey is taking me, it wouldn't frighten me to dream and hope. But I need to face this journey with courage, I need strength to prevent fear from crippling me and this is a journey I am prepared to travel.